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Residencia Canina Abanilla,
Milan's rescue 

Milan currently has about 34 dogs who need a kind loving home. There also are about 10 dogs from other rescues staying at the residencia who also need a home of their own. They can be adopted through the rescue they come from. 
The plot of land has large kennels with a run of 500 meters for the dogs so they can  exercise all day long.
To help fund the premises Milan takes dogs from people who are going on a holiday for a few days or longer. Milan charges a small fee of 5 euro's a day including food. If the dog is on a special or medical diet the food must be provided. Milan also has room for dogs from other rescues who need to stay somewhere for a while. For the rescues he charges 3 euro a day including food (special/medical food not included).
Milan can be found 4 kilometers from Abanilla, near El Partidor. 
Tel: +34 636 282 973
Milan speaks German, Spanish and a little English. You can mail us in German, Spanish, English and Dutch.

Bank rekening nummer
Milan Lambreht
IBAN ES16 04870219799007007088

For more info or contact: schinsg@gmail.com 

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